Selasa, 12 April 2011

lagu cinta

lagu cinta

Adele – Lovesong (album version)

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 02:40 PM PDT

Adele – Lovesong (album version)

FriendShip… A gift of God.

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 02:40 PM PDT

FriendShip… A gift of God.

Life away from life, Friendship knows no bounds.
Feelings and emotions go hand in hand when the friends are there for you.
You can smile and shout and you can scream, you will always find that comfort in the making of those special moments which make you tempt for the friendship you cherish the most.

This was in the worlds coldest region near the construction of home, where these kids were so happy to see someone click them . I wish If I can find them again to give them these pictures.

Sad love quotes when you feel hopeless

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 02:36 PM PDT

Sad love quotes when you feel hopeless

Sad Love Quotes are important for your soul because love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing. These Sad Quotes will help you through the defaults in life.


I wish I was a little kid again because skinned knees are easier to heal then broken hearts.


Real love stories never have endings.


“Forever is not a word…rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there.”


Love is like a bed of roses, there are many thorns. The path to true happiness lies in learning to avoid the thorns, while enjoying the roses.


Sad love quotes – I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never married at all.


You know how it is when you don’t want to miss them, but you want them to miss you.


To translate love into lyrics, is an impossible task, cause you’ll know love when you hear it, it all depends on who asks.


he most important things to do in the world are to get something to eat, something to drink and somebody to love you.


Sad love quotes – I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.


Breaking up. It happens kind of suddenly. One minute, you’re holding hands walking down the street, and the next minute, you’re lying on the floor crying and all the good CDs are missing.


I knew I loved you when I realized that there was no one else I would rather laugh, cry and make memories with


I ran up the door, Shut the stairs, Said my pajamas, Put on my prayers, Turned off the bed, and jumped in the light all because he kissed me good night!


The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with the heart.


Sad quotes -Every time I see him all cool, calm and collected, I lose my breath, my heart starts pounding, and I am painfully aware that I am not over him and he is over me.


Anyone can say the love someone, It’s loving someone enough to let them go that will prove that love. | Sad love quotes when you feel hopeless

The Cure – Lovesong live @Music Planet 2Nite

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 05:02 AM PDT

The Cure – Lovesong live @Music Planet 2Nite

Music Plant 2Nite 2001 Lovesong live

Aluminum Love

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 05:02 AM PDT

Aluminum Love
love 3d

~All metal needs loving.~

(place mouse cursor over image for HUGE format link)

Women Suffer More From Broken Hearts Than Men

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 05:02 AM PDT

Women Suffer More From Broken Hearts Than Men

When any relationship is on the rocks and you have broken up you will feel pain around the heart area called the broken heart syndrome. This is a very real symptom caused by stress which weakens the heart muscle temporarily, and if you look up the scientific explanation for suffering a broken heart, you will see that it is very real medical term know asstress cardiomyopathy’. People suffer a broken heart from the loss of a loved one more than anything else and women suffer a broken heart far more seriously than what men do. Looking for advice and ways on healing a heart broken from love is very necessary, especially for women that have been betrayed in relationships and who suffer a lot more than men when it comes to a broken heart and also who will take a lot longer to get over it. No matter how icy, or cold, or bitchy a women tries to come across, they all have hearts of gold, actually soft hearts of gold for that matter, and perhaps this is in their makeup as part of their maternal; instinct. When you betray the love of women then you truly hurt her, and the pain of a broken heart for her is far deeper than for any man..


 Relationships are very precious to women


The saying ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ probably comes from men who have not realized how deeply they hurt their partners, because after the jilted women recovers from all the pain of the betrayal, she will certainly have cause to retaliate. Women not only suffer more from a broken heart than what men will, but also take a lot longer to get over it and though they will show on the outside that everything is fine; on the inside they are still hurting…. There have been cases where broken hearted women have slept for 72 hours, some have drastically lost weight, or gained weight; and sadly some that have taken their own lives through suicide after losing someone they truly deeply and unconditionally loved. If you have broken up with your girlfriend, then no delay should be taken in trying to make up with her, especially if you really love her. Women may initially lash out after getting hurt, and then afterwards suffer the pain of a broken heart alone trying their best to keep it hidden avoiding all contact with their partner that has caused the broken heart


Most guys will openly admit they do not understand their partners and if you really knew what women want your relationship would be truly a powerful one. Relationships are more precious to women than for any man and if she gives herself to you then you should know it was done with a lot of thought, and of course love. It is worth building up a long lasting lifetime relationship with women in this case…

Women with broken hearts take longer to heal


If you break off a relationship with the women you love, then her broken heart takes double the time to heal as it will for men, and after it does you will probably not get a second chance to hurt her again the way you did. If you have broken up with the lady you love, then you should make haste in trying to get back together because she will expect you as the stronger partner to do so. Making up is a process same as how you built the relationship and women with a broken heart will make it difficult for you because of the pain, betrayal and anger they are feeling all at the same time. Women that have suffered the loss of a relationship and a broken heart will be loathe to trust the next guy that comes along and wants to be part of their lives, and if you happen into a relationship with a girl like this you really love that has been through the suffering of a broken heart from a previous partner, expect the relationship to take some time to mature. If you really love her it is going to be worth it. | Women Suffer More From Broken Hearts Than Men

10 Keampuhan Ungkapan “Aku Cinta Kamu”

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 03:44 AM PDT

10 Keampuhan Ungkapan “Aku Cinta Kamu”. HANYA tiga kata sederhana bisa bermakna seluruh dunia untuk seseorang. Seiring hubungan yang semakin matang, Anda mungkin mulai lupa untuk mengatakan “Aku mencintaimu” saat terjebak dalam rutinitas sehari-hari.

Mengatakan pada pasangan betapa Anda mencintainya akan membantu Anda mempertahankan ikatan dengannya dari waktu ke waktu. Gunakanlah ungkapan tersebut dengan bebas untuk menyatakan hal-hal berikut, seperti dilansir dari ModernMom.


Tentu saja, alasan terbaik untuk mengatakan “Aku mencintaimu” adalah karena Anda benar-benar mencintai orang tersebut. Namun mungkin, Anda akan menemukan momen dalam hidup ketika Anda melontarkannya tanpa alasan tertentu.


Mendengar kata-kata ini sering kali memungkinkan orang lain untuk merasa yakin bahwa Anda benar-benar mencintainya dan berpikir tentang dia, meskipun Anda mungkin terjebak dalam hal-hal lain. Jika Anda pergi terlalu lama tanpa dia mendengar bahwa Anda mencintainya, dia mungkin mulai khawatir dan berpikir bahwa Anda tidak lagi mencintainya.

Karena Anda bisa

Nyatakan cinta dengan bebas karena Anda tidak pernah tahu kapan Anda mungkin tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukannya lagi.

Rasa aman

Mendengar kata-kata “Aku mencintaimu” bisa membuat seseorang merasa lebih aman dalam hubungan. Dia akan tahu perasaan Anda dan di mana dia berdiri.

Makin dekat

Akuilah, mungkin Anda berdua jarang berkumpul berdua. Mengingatkan pasangan bahwa Anda mencintainya bisa membantunya merasa lebih dekat dengan Anda,

Dapatkan balasan

Ketika Anda mengatakan “Aku mencintaimu”, Anda akan mendengarnya kembali dari pasangan. Jika Anda sedang merasa kesepian dan jauh darinya, ucapkan kata-kata ini. Dijamin, Anda akan mendapatkannya kembali. Hal ini dapat membuat Anda merasa lebih baik tentang diri dan posisi Anda dalam hubungan.


Bila Anda sedang berselisih dengannya, kata “I love you” menjadi senjata ampuh untuk menyatakan bahwa Anda benar-benar mencintainya, meskipun sedang berdebat.


Ketika pasangan dilanda stres, pikirannya akan menanggung beban berat. Datanglah padanya dan katakan “Aku mencintaimu” untuk Anda bisa melindunginya dan menunjukkan bahwa Anda selalu berada di sisinya.


Ketika pasangan mendapatkan sebuah prestasi, seperti promosi di tempat kerja, Anda tentu merasa bangga bahwa Anda adalah istrinya. Katakan kepadanya bahwa Anda mencintainya untuk menunjukkan rasa bangga itu.


Akuilah, kadang-kadang Anda mengatakan “Aku mencintaimu” karena ingin mendapatkan apa yang Anda inginkan. Alhasil, suami tidak bisa mengelak untuk mencuci piring, pergi ke toko pukul 03.00 untuk membeli es krim saat Anda ngidam, bahkan membunuh laba-laba besar di sudut kamar. Buatnya mungkin tidak menyenangkan, tetapi efektif untuk Anda. Jadi, jangan malu untuk menggunakan kata-kata ini. 10 Keampuhan Ungkapan “Aku Cinta Kamu”

5 Aturan Bila Cinta Tak Berbalas

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 03:42 AM PDT

5 Aturan Bila Cinta Tak Berbalas. ANDA sudah menemukan seseorang yang sempurna dan bisa menjadi “the One”. Sayang, ternyata dia sudah punya kekasih. Cinta pun bertepuk sebelah tangan.

Memaksanya dengan segala cara agar dia mau menjadi kekasih Anda jelas bukan cara bijak. Jadi saat kasus semacam ini menimpa, apa yang sebaiknya Anda lakukan?

Simak lima aturannya, seperti dikutip dari EMandLO:

1. Yakinkan diri, benarkah Anda mencintainya dan yakin dialah jodoh Anda? Karena jika menginginkannya hanya untuk alasan nafsu, “menculiknya” dari suatu hubungan adalah perbuatan kotor.

2. Tak masalah untuk Anda jujur kepadanya, tapi jangan disampaikan dengan cara mengancam. Akui perasaan Anda, tetapi cobalah untuk menghindari kata-kata seperti, “Jika aku tidak bisa memiliki kamu, maka tidak ada seorang pun juga yang boleh memilikimu (sambil tertawa gila)”.

3. Setelah bola berada di tangannya, beri dia waktu dan ruang untuk memutuskan apakah akan kembali ke pangkuan kekasihnya atau merajut cinta bersama Anda. Dan satu hal, Anda harus membiarkannya membuat keputusan sendiri. Jangan memakai cara-cara kotor seperti berbohong soal kekasihnya.

4. Jika “cinta sejati” Anda akhirnya kasihan pada Anda dan memutuskan untuk memberi Anda kesempatan, berikan dia waktu untuk beradaptasi dengan iklim hubungan yang baru. Jika dia benar-benar adalah “the One” bagi Anda, maka mereka pantas untuk ditunggu.

5. Dalam beberapa kasus, apa yang membuat dua orang terpisah adalah apa yang menarik mereka bersama-sama. Kendala ini memungkinkan Anda untuk berfantasi bagaimana memiliki hubungan yang sempurna (seperti cerita romansa Romeo dan Juliet, meski caranya tidak disarankan yakni dengan bunuh diri). Sekali kendala itu dihapus, realitas bisa berubah menjadi lebih baik. Namun ingat, berhati-hatilah pada apa yang Anda inginkan. 5 Aturan Bila Cinta Tak Berbalas

The Cure – Love Song (Acoustic Version)

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 02:40 AM PDT

The Cure – Love Song (Acoustic Version)

Acoustic version of a beautiful song

Quotes – 28 / 60

Posted: 12 Apr 2011 02:38 AM PDT

Quotes – 28 / 60
love quote

If you don’t know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere ~ Henry A. Kissinger.

Yet another bokeh nocturne wandering.

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to travel through the city by night all alone.

Have you guys already tried to make this kind of shot by night ?
It’s pretty interesting to take a different look at your city. As a loner, I also simply love the solitude it brings me.

I’ve just spent a few hours post-processing some shots from the Bruksellive. Here they are.
I’ll probably post a video from Das Pop on youtube and one of these shots on Flickr later.

[ Setup ]

? Canon eos 5D II – 50mm f:1.4 @ 1/50 f:1,4 iso800.

[ 60 quotes project I Facebook I Twitter ]

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